Saturday, August 1, 2009

The 11th Hour - Human extinction teetering from possible to probable.

I just watched "The 11th Hour" last night. It was narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, who is known for his green lifestyle.

To synopsize the movie I watched (I took four pages on notes!), allow me to paraphrase, with some quotes taken from the movie:

1. We are a sun-based culture, who are quickly outpopulating our natural resources.

2. We use our resources as if they are abundant, and we (human) tend to think we are seperate from nature and natural law. We operate based on that fallacy.

3. We, as a species, evolved in Africa 150,000 years ago. We have doubled our population since JFK was inaugurated.

4. Since the most recent industrial revolution, in any classroom, you will find between 30 - 60% of the students suffer from asthma, due to the pollutants and the climate change.

In that time, choices made by human has forced the extinction 55,000 species per year. One species is taking over the world.

5. There is acid rain by burning coal, on our planet. As our ice sheets melt, it reduces the heat that can reflect back out of our biosphere, thus raising our temperature. Venus has a temperature of 250 Celcius, and rains sulfuric acid. Homosapiens could not survive there.

We have raised the temperature by 7/10 Celcius already.

6. It took only a few degrees to shift us out of the ice age, it could only take a few to shift us back in.

7. There is permafrost already starting across the tundra.

8. We have raised our output of carbon dioxide by 35%, and methane gas by 150%. We are putting unnatural chemicals and gases into the air and bodies of water/oceans.

There are 5,000,000 gallons a day of waste being poured into one bay. Just one bay. That waste is mercury, copper, pesticides, things artifially coloured.

9. We have depleted the United States of 95% of our forests. Rainforests are quickly becoming deserts.

10. Trees hold 57,000 gallons of water. They help to prevent flash floods, and their roots help to prevent landslides.

11. Fertilizers and pesticides in the farming states travel down the Mississippi and our found 1100 miles away, causing cancers, asthma, and other illnesses along the way.

12. The public, as a whole, wants cleaner burning energy, but we are not being represented in Congress. They are bought out by oil companies. Exxon/Mobile has more money than all the automobile companies combined.

13. Corporate economic globalization will kill off our host. When nature is destroyed, the human population is destroyed along with it.

14. By the time a child goes to college, they will have watched enough television that they will be able to recognize one thousand corporate logos, but not be able to name ten plants and animals native to their land.

15. The United States' defense budget is larger than the economy of Australia. We are putting our money in the wrong places, defending our stranglehold on oil and its petrol dollar, rather than creating cleaner energy.

16. Several years ago, they calculated what the cost of the work nature does for us. To remove the carbon dioxide and other pollutants would cost $35 TRILLION DOLLARS. At the time of the study, the combined total economies of the world was $18 TRILLION DOLLARS.

17. We are at a critical limit. The global climate change threatens 1/3 to 1/2 all variety of life on earth. The earth is 3.8 to 4 billion years old. Since then, 99.9999% of species have gone extinct. Humans are only an infant species. Extinction is common on this planet, and it could happen to us.

18. Deepak Chopra said, "People are doing the best they can, given their level of awareness."

19. Winston Churchhill said, "Americans always do the right thing, only after they have exhausted all other possibilities."

20. For the skeptic and the activist alike, I urge you to watch a video on youtube. Go to the search box, and plug in the words, "THE MOST TERRIFYING VIDEO YOU WILL EVER SEE".

We are at the tripping point, to where we may lose control over the climate. We have already seen catastrophes like Hurricaine Katrina and deadly tsunamis. The global climate change will effect our rainfall patterns, which will effect flooding, droughts, and the sea level.

If the sea level rises by just ten meters, 23 million people in the US (starting in Florida) will be displaced or killed, 144 million in China, 12 million in the Netherlands, and 63 million in Bangladesh.

This could happen in as early as a decade. At this rate, we will still be debating whether or not the human footprint is causing global warming. We simply don't have that luxury of time.

WHAT CAN WE DO????!!!!!

1. Use the information age to make everyone aware of the situation at hand. Have discussions about it, google one of the million environmentalist groups and follow their simple instructions on how to go green.

2. Start walking/biking/ or using mass transit for your daily commute.

3. Stop digging up the earth and turning it to waste. We need a sustainable eco-system where one organism's waste is another organism's food.

4. It is said that if we use solar energy, there would be enough power generated for every home and building on this planet 13,000 times over.

5. Start using wind energy, and buy from companies who do, vote with your dollar!

6. Start supporting trident energy (power generated from the ocean's waves) or Verdant energy (electricity generated from the currents of the Hudson River).

7. I have done something so simple, and I get paid for it. I joined a paid to read program, that actually pays me to click on donation links that help save land, species, plants trees, gives water to impoverished countries, etc. Human greed plays a significant role in any action that we take, so, why not get paid for doing something that only takes a few mouse clicks?

I offput my use of my computer daily, using this method. Message me for a link if you want. I don't think I am allowed to post it here.

8. The usual - recycle, buy only things that biodegrade, eat fewer flatulent cows, etc.

9. The movie mentioned lowering income tax, and raising the tax of those polluting the world. Sounds fair.

10. Open for suggestions.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

You say 'Adam and Eve', I say, 'Adam Lambert'.

In a sadistic twist, the California Supreme Court announced that the estimated 18,000 same sex couples who married last year get to remain married, while the constitution has been amended to prevent future gay marriages, having changed the definition of marriage favouring the overly religious fanatics slash assholes.

We can undo this. We are stronger than ever now. Sign this petition, help get the ball rolling: